Welcome to SABS, British School in Madrid

SABS offers an excellent British education in Madrid based on the British National Curriculum and the experienced qualified British teachers who teach this curriculum.

Educational stages

If our British school in Madrid stands out for anything, it is for accompanying children in the early stages of their education.


El Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) comprende a niños desde el nacimiento hasta los cinco años de edad. En SABS tenemos

Quiero saber más

En esta etapa educativa contamos con profesores implicados que disfrutan enseñando a sus alumnos. Se busca fomentar la curiosidad del alumno con el fin de que disfrute al máximo de la educación recibida.

Quiero saber más

Formamos alumnos capaces de dirigir su propia vida. En esta última etapa antes de la educación superior dotamos a nuestros pupilos de las herramientas necesarias para que afronten con garantías el resto del camino.

Quiero saber más

Why should you choose SABS?

SABS has a highly qualified British satff who teach all the academic subjects in a pesonalised programme as every cild is unique. Every student personal development is planned by observing, assessing, listening actively and getting to know them individually.

Learning without limits

Our teaching system takes into account the individual learner and involves creating opportunities for learning based on interests and the child’s individual needs. Lorem ipsum dolor

Independence and responsibility

From a young age our children are taught to be independent thinkers. We encourage them to take responsibility for their own learning and are guided by their interests and abilities


We offer a full range of academic and creative subjects to ensure a full, all rounded education. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor

Zero Bullying

We have a NO tolerance policy against bullying ensuring your child is safe and happy. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt

Information about our center

Relevant Data

At SABS teachers are not only concerned about the children learning English, Spanish and German, but also about their learning with values. Integrity, Respect and Equality are cross curricular learnt and in any other school activity.

We are available to answer any question or inform you about:

SABS Calendar

Important dates and Events


SABS School Bus

Bus stops and timetables

SABS Uniform

Uniform is compulsory


The menu is designed and supervised by Professional nutritionists


You can register your child at any time during the sschool year as long as there are places available.
You just need to click the button below and fill in your personal information. A member fo the Office Staff will contact you back and inform you about the next steps in the interview process.


School activities

It is highly benefitial to practise sports and share interesting hobbies at school. When you start
this kind of activities at an early age, it helps you improve your social skills, the value of making
an effort to achieve a goal or even discover some hidden talents.
At SABS there are clubs like:
– Football
– Volleyball
– Gymnastics
– Classical ballet
– Chess
– Robotics
– Drama
– Painting
– Violin
– Piano


Online Admission

You can fill in SABS form with your name, surname, telephone number and email address and you will be contacted to be informed as soon as posible.

Registration at any time of the schoool year

You can learn about SABS through as personalised meeting

Online Registration Easy and quick

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